
Smoking is not permitted in all public places in the UK, including bars, restaurants, shops, cinemas, stations and on public transport. You can smoke outside the building. The legal age for buying tobacco in the UK is 18.
The legal age to drink alcohol in the UK is 18. Some bars and nightclubs have a ‘21 years old and over’ policy. Alcohol is not allowed on public transport. It is forbidden to drink alcohol anywhere on the school premises. It is illegal to buy alcohol for anyone under 18.
The possession and use of leisure drugs is illegal. Penalties can include up to 7 years in prison and/or a fine. You are strongly advised not to use illegal drugs during your stay.
It is illegal to carry any weapon for defence, including gas and sprays. You will be arrested if the police stop you and you have a knife.
Every property that has a TV must have a TV licence. If you rent a room or are in a flat share, find out who is responsible for paying the TV licence.
Council tax is a local tax that is charged on each property. Each borough (district) in London has its own rates. Discounts are sometimes available for students.
In the UK we drive on the left, so please be careful when crossing the road. The legal age for driving is 17. If you want to hire a car, the average minimum age is 23.
You cannot ride a bike on a pavement/footpath. You must have lights on if you cycle at night. A helmet is not compulsory but is strongly recommended.
Certain crimes such as theft, shoplifting, fraud, assault, involvement with illegal drugs, or damage may lead to immediate deportation.
If you need legal advice, we suggest that you go to a Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB). They do not charge for their service. The address of a local CAB is: